So if you missed out on it this past week, HSM hit the road after church on Sunday and competed in the 1st annual flag football tourney. Basically, here is all you need to know: Team K is good, but they would never have been able to call themselves champs had it not been for their mad rock, paper, scissors skills! And man was it hot out there! No worries though, a cooldown is coming our way! On sunday, June 28th, HSM hits the road again...we're heading to Doug, Donna, & Rhyne Harris' house to bask in the glory of their pool. So hey, make sure you join us! You really don't want to miss it! {P.S. Ladies, make sure to wear a one piece, or a tankini that we wont see your stomach in...we don't need you trippin up all the fellas!} To see all the flag football pics, click here!
Great time with the youth on Sunday... Flag Football was so much fun even if I did not play. I am the camera chick.....