Saturday, December 5, 2009

Special Christmas Bonfire

Come on out and join us Sunday night, December 20th at 6pm, for a special Christmas Event. We'll sing some Christmas Songs, eat and drink some Christmas snacks, give away some Christmas swag, and then head outside for a bonfire right in the church parking lot! It is about as much fun as you can legally have before Christmas. And, besides, there is no school the next day so you might as well make it even more fun by bringing your unchurched friends.

We're here to help you take the next step in your relationship with God. So come join us as we celebrate together what God has done for us at Christmas.

ps - We accidentally told some people it was the 18th. It's not, it is on the 20th.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

WinterCamp X

OK. I got a bit ahead of myself so this post will contain the bare bones facts about WinterCamp X for all you parents and students out there who need the info. But before you get there please remember, everything we do is designed to help students take the next step in their relationship with God. So that means that WinterCamp is an investment in spiritual growth that is worth every penny.

Ok here are the facts. In bullet form if you like!
- We meet to leave Sat. morning January 16th at 7am
- We return Mon. afternoon January 18th at 1:30pm
- total cost $85.00 if you return all forms and money by Dec. 20th.
- total cost goes up to $95.00 if you return all forms and money by Jan. 3rd
- location: YMCA Blueridge Assembly in Black Mountain, NC
- cost includes lodging, transportation, most meals, sessions, session materials

And I'm posting this at midnight so I'm sure I forgot something. Oh yeah, don't forget that you aren't officially registered until you bring back all the sign-up forms and full payment.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dinka Time!

Click Here to Watch the Video Dinka Showed >>
It was pretty short notice, but yesterday we had our very own missionary to (and from) Sudan, Dinka! It was an amazing time, so if you missed it I want you to know his story.
Dinka's real name is Jacob Atem. He is from the Dinka tribe in Southern Sudan. When he was just a boy his parents were killed during the genocide. There were 26,000 boys in all who were orphaned and they had no homes so they began to walk. Jacob walked over 1,000 miles over the course of many years. By the time they ended up in Ethiopia only 12,000 or so of the boys were still alive.
Around the turn of the century President Bush decided to airlift these boys who were by now men to America. Jacob was chosen and because he was under 18 he was sent to a foster family in Michigan.
Currently, Dinka is working on a degree in Public Health and he has founded the Southern Sudan Healthcare Organization, a 501c(3) non-profit, to start a modern clinic in his home village of Maar. He went back this summer for the first time in almost 20 years!
So half of all of the regular offering given in both the Middle School and High School ministries goes to support Dinka and the Southern Sudan Healthcare Organization. Thanks to your giving so far we were able to present Jacob with a check for $1500! Besides giving Jacob greatly appreciates all of your prayers. Thanks for being the kind of ministry that gives so generously to the causes of God in this world.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

30 Days to Live...

Ok, so here's the deal...this Sunday, the High School Ministry cranks out a brand new series called..."30 Days To Live." We say this a lot, but in ALL seriousness, this WILL BE one of the best series we have EVER done. We will hear from a guy who last year died 4 times in 24 hours...and lived to tell about it!

Basically, the whole series is framed around this one question...If you found out that you had 30 days to live, how would you live different? Bring a friend, and don't miss out!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Middle School Paintball Day

I hope you're ready to shoot someone in the face! Because it's that time of year again. That's right, it's time for Middle School Paintball Day. Here is everything you and your parents need to know:

The event is Saturday, September 5th and all ms students are invited to play, girls and boys.

COST - the cost is $32 and covers gun, mask, paintballs, air, lunch, and transportation. (everything you need)

WHEN & WHERE - We'll met at the church by 7:40am and we'll be back by 2:15pm. (The paintball place is in Concord)

ALSO - a signed waiver is required before we leave. If you have your own gear, it might be cheaper you'll have to call Matt and ask him how much it will be. Parents who want to play should call Matt LaBell and see if he needs any chaperones! Everyone please RSVP to Matt at 704-241-7560.

It should be safe and a LOT of fun. I hope to see you there, I know I'll be there.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Blog Post

Just for fun, count how many times I say "pipe" or "pipeline" it's like a billion or something.

Video Blog 8-17-09 from Jared Kirk on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Best Sex Ever...Week 3 Recap!

Ok, so if you missed out on B.S.E. part 3, here is a quick recap!

"Ive already messed up sexually...what now?"

-Basically, here is the damaging reality of sex outside of can NEVER get back what you once had...ever! That's the sad part...once your virginity is's gone! It's like when you take a ceramic plate or bowl, and smash it, it will NEVER be back to what it once was! That's why sex, and taking it seriously is a HUGE deal! But even though we cant put the broken pieces back exactly like they were before, it doesn't mean we have to stay broken. We have 2 options...We can say "well, im broken, I guess i'll just stay like this and continue doing what i'm doing," or we can say "I want God to begin to put these pieces back together!" And because of what Jesus did on the cross, that's exactly what can happen! He can begin to put your broken pieces back together, and even though you will no longer be new, and you will still have the cracks, God can begin putting your shattered pieces back together. So that, on your wedding night, although you wont have what God originally intended, you will have something better to offer than you do right now! How do you put the pieces back's how:

1. Ask God for forgiveness, and confess to him your mistake. He will wrap His loving arms around you and begin to show you how much you are loved.

2. If the person you messed up with is still in your life, confess to them that what you guys did was wrong, and apologize to them as well, and let them know that you acknowledge it was wrong, whether they acknowledge it or not.

3. Finally, change directions! Don't keep shattering the pieces. Rather stop doing what broke you in the first place. Start today, and commit to a life of purity until your wedding night, so that when you get there you can a have way better experience than the one you're heading towards!

So, if you've messed up...let God begin to put the pieces of your messed up sex life back together! He can...and HE WILL!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Best Sex Ever (WEEK 2: CHERRY PIE!!!)

Untitled from Robbie McLaughlin on Vimeo.

So, if you missed the second installment of the Best Sex Ever in the High School Service, here is your morning recap:

In week 2, we talked about the big idea of "Cherry Pie." I know, I know, and NO, it's not what you're thinking! (you dirty minded people...) I shared with everyone how my wife made me this AWESOME cherry pie one time, and left it on the counter for me...but during the day, several people had come by and picked at it! By the time I got home, I didn't have the beautiful cherry pie my wife had made me! Instead, all that was left was a jumbled up mess!

In the same way, when we show up on planet earth, God gives us this AMAZING gift called sex...and it's a gift that is meant to blow our mind when we enjoy it with our spouse on our wedding night! The problem is, along the way, we let other people besides our spouse mess with that gift...and some completely take it! When our wedding night comes, we no longer have the gift or the "cherry pie" that God intended for us to have! That's why it is so important for us to protect and not let other people "mess around" with our sexuality! When you keep your gift intact, it allows sex to be what it was intended to be...IN...CRED...I...BLE!!!

Make sure you are around for week 3...God's ready to do so some serious work in our there!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Ok, so check it out, this past Sunday, we started what I believe to be the most popular series in the history of High School Ministry @ NLC! That's right we rolled out week 1 of the "Best Sex Ever" series. Just in case you missed week 1, read below, and you'll be all caught up!

For some reason, people think of sex as this scary thing to talk about! Think about it, anytime somebody brings up sex, or talks about their sex life, people get all wigged out over the is the preteaching video from this past Sunday to demonstrate what I mean...

Untitled from Robbie McLaughlin on Vimeo.

But the reality is, talking about sex is not this weird, taboo, scary topic that we've made it out to be! As a matter of fact, SEX IS AWESOME! I mean, c'mon, of course it is, God invented it, and he invented it for our pleasure!!! He wants us to be able to have and experience THE BEST SEX EVER. But that can only happen if we have sex the way he meant for us to have it...inside of marriage!

Ever wonder why God set it up that way? Why can't we just have sex with whoever we want? See, God knew that he wanted sex to be incredible for us. So, he not only attached physical feelings and connections to it, but emotional ones as well. This way, when we experienced it, it would blow our flippin mind! The problem is, when you make those kinds of emotional connections to a person, that you haven't yet committed your life to in marriage, the connections can be severed, and broken, and can end up being very damaging and destructive in our lives. And what was eant to be explosively awesome, can be explosively destructive. That's why God set it up the way he did...because he knew the only way for us to experience the VERY BEST when it comes to sex, is to have it only inside of marriage! It's when we walk outside of those instructions that sex gets scary...

It would be like taking a mitsubishi eclipse 4-wheeling through the mud. How stupid would that be!?!?! An eclipse was never meant for fourwheeling. In the same was never meant for anyone but people committed in marriage...outside of that, only damage and consequences can come next.

So, big idea of week 1: God wants you to have the best sex ever! It's a gift, from Him, to you! That can ony happen when its reserved for those committed through marriage! Now you're caught up! Make sure to join us for week 2!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Special Summer Camp Savings

Due to some last minute cancellations, we are currently offering 3 spots to Summercamp for $300.00 or 25% off the normal camp rate. If your student would like to go or has a friend who would like to go please contact or you can call her at 704-841-6133. Camp is July 5th - July 9th and is in Panama City Beach, FL. You can get all the details here. We might even be able to workout a payment plan so please forward this to anyone who might be interested and call Kathy asap.
Thanks and have a great Summer!
Pastor Jared

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Flag Football Was HOT! Time for a cooldown...

So if you missed out on it this past week, HSM hit the road after church on Sunday and competed in the 1st annual flag football tourney. Basically, here is all you need to know: Team K is good, but they would never have been able to call themselves champs had it not been for their mad rock, paper, scissors skills! And man was it hot out there! No worries though, a cooldown is coming our way! On sunday, June 28th, HSM hits the road again...we're heading to Doug, Donna, & Rhyne Harris' house to bask in the glory of their pool. So hey, make sure you join us! You really don't want to miss it! {P.S. Ladies, make sure to wear a one piece, or a tankini that we wont see your stomach in...we don't need you trippin up all the fellas!} To see all the flag football pics, click here!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The All-Nighter Excitement Builds (jared)

Is it just me, or is there a serious buzz building about the All-Nighter? I have talked to so many poeple that are inviting all of their friends to be a part of the madness. Robbie was so excited he promised that if 200 students are present that we'll get tattoos on stage! I was so excited I promised that whoever brought the most friends with them, I'll give them their $25 registration fee back in cash! Mason was so excited he invited all his students from Element Church to be a part of it too!

You know what I'm really excited about, though? I think that God is excited about so many students inviting their unchurched friends to church. I think God is excited about how many Next Level students are on their knees praying for their friends. I think God is excited about so many friends hearing the life-altering news about just how much God, in Jesus Christ, loves them. And when I think about how excited God is about all this, that gets me going, too.

See you June 5th.

Summercamp Update

So the latest count is that we have received 98 of the first 100 coupon books. That means we'll only match the $10 of two more books. It's a sad day.

But wait! Due to the incredible response we've decided to extend the bonus period. For the next 100 books, when you turn in 10$ we'll match it with an additional $5! So keep selling those coupon books and please, please turn in your registration paper. I would hate for you to raise all that money for camp and then not be able to go because we filled up all of our spots.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Coupon Book Update

It is Tuesday at 11:30am and we have now received the money for 41 of the 100 coupon books that we are matching money for. My guess is that by sunday we will have received the money for all 100. So, if you want to try to get matching funds I would bring them by the office this week. The address is 701 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Matthews, NC 28105.

Just a heads up for our loyal blog readers :)

Also, there is a rumor going around about a second bonus period that may be announced after the first one finishes...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fundraising Madness: Coupon Books (Jared)

So apparently, the coupon book fundraiser is a smashing success. I know this because we handed out coupon books after the middle school service and by the time the high school service started we were completely out. As in, we had no more. Zilch. Nada. No Mas.

For those of you wondering what I'm talking about, I put together a booklet of coupons from local businesses. We print them and students sell them for $10. When you sell a booklet you get $10 off the cost of camp. I figured everyone could use some more details, so here you go...

- We will have more coupon books available for you to pickup Wednesday after 3pm. (and again next Sunday)
- Please DO NOT sell coupon books at church to people you don't know. It's not cool for our guests to be asked ten times if they want a coupon book...
- You may sell coupon books if you are not going to camp and we will hold the money in trust for any other student ministry event.
- The people who return money to me or Kathy Risch for the first 100 books will get a matching $10 (due to a very generous anonymous gift!). I don't count the money until you give it to me or Kathy and you can bring it by the office if you like.
- I have already received the money for the first 13 books sold, so get on it!

If you need directions to the church office please email:

Friday, May 8, 2009

All Nighter!!!!!!!!

So for those of you who don't know, now you're about to know.

What do you get when you unleash hundreds of MS and HS students on South Charlotte in the middle of the night? The All-Nighter, of course!

We meet at the church Friday June 5th at 10pm and we don't stop until Friday June 6th at 7:00am. The first 175 people to show up get a free t-shirt.

Then we cram everyone into the student center for an incredible concert.

Next our group will decend on Zuma Fun Center for a couple of hours where there will be unlimited go-carts, unlimited bumper boats, and all the arcade games are set to "free play." You will finally be able to beat area 51 and dance your heart out on Dance Dance Revolution.

Follow it up by riding around South Charlotte with your adult team leader and a car full of your closest friends to decode and find as many digital scavenger hunt clues as you can before time is up. Paint a teammate's face completely blue? That's 400 points. Paint a school rock at 4am? That's 1,000 points for ya!

Come back and compare pictures with the competing teams to see who comes out on top. Head home at 7 in the morning, wake up at 4pm that afternoon, throw some pics up on facebook, and now your starting to get the picture of the intensity of an All-Nighter! The point is to bring as many of your friends who don't go to church as possible so start inviting now. Whoever brings the most friends we'll give you cash back for your registration fee...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Summer Camp: The Gorey Details (Jared)

So what is it that parents need, but always struggle to find? If you said, patience, understanding, or courage you would be right, but what we're going for today is details! Summer Camp is a chance for students to escape from their normal routine, experience God in a fresh way, create meaningful relationships, and make commitments that last a lifetime! But that doesn't matter if you can't figure out when summer camp is. So students if you're reading this, show it to your parents and if you're a parent here we go:

Summer Camp is five days and four nights of worship, teaching, bible-study, and insane amounts of fun on the beach. It includes ten meals while at camp, lodging on the beach, transportation, a camp shirt, and session materials.

July 5th - July9th

Lodging is at The Boardwalk Beach Resort in Panama City Beach, FL. The camp is put on by a company called BigStuf and you can get even more info at

Students who have just graduated from 6th-12th grades are invited to come. Friends are welcome to come as well. We have a limited number of spots for camp and it is first-come first-served basis. We start a waiting list for students after we are full. As for chaperones, we will have a student leader ratio of about 6:1.

Fundraising and the Cost of Camp:
We will be selling coupon booklets that will be available in the student center on May 10th. They will be sold for $10 and all $10 goes directly to your students camp cost. But thanks to an extremely generous anonymous gift to the student ministry, for the first 100 coupon books that are sold, we will MATCH the $10 so that a total of $20 goes directly toward your student's cost of camp. Having said that, if your student sells 10 books then camp is half-off. And if your student sells 20 books (as part of the first 100 books sold) then camp is FREE. Yeah, I said it, free. If your math is good then you figured it out, camp is $400 this year.

A $100 non-refundable deposit is due with the camp registration packet available in the student center. If you pay the deposit and your student raises all the money for camp, we will refund that deposit money to you. Your student can fundraise to earn the deposit, but just remember that it is first-come, first-served on camp spaces, so it may be wise to register first.

The final balance for camp is due on June 28th, but for those fundraising in order to get the matching funds you have to work quickly.

Did I forget something? If you have a question leave a comment. I'll answer it in the comments, and everyone will be grateful that you thought to ask.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The All-Nighter is Upon Us! (Jared)

It's back and it's bigger and better than ever. While you were busy picking your nose and texting your bf we were plotting how to take over the city of Charlotte for an entire night. The solution? Music, fun, and a bit of mischief: The All-Nighter!

We know you missed spray-painting the school rocks, coloring your friend's face blue, and driving around town at 4am so we're doing the All-Nighter again this year. Ron Alexander seems to think that we can pull off the scavenger hunt again. So this time, there are going to be even more teams competing and even bigger challenges. And just to get the ball rolling, here is the first clue:
It is the safest place in Charlotte. Find it and receive a surprise.
It's top is hard and it's bottom is soft, and although it is always in
motion, it is always in the same place.
The beautiful thing about the All-Nighter, too, is that it is relatively inexpensive. Last year it was $25 and this year the price will be comparable, and possibly less. Start thinking now about who you want to be on your team and even more importantly. Which friends from school, sports, or the neighborhood who don't go to church anywhere else you are going to invite! It will be right around the end of school so stay tuned for more details.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flexy Beast (Jared)

The results are in! Although I can't say I'm terribly surprised...

The polls are now closed and the person most likely to stand in front of the mirror and flex is:
(drum roll please)

Cody Dermid! with 9 votes.

Mike Burton came in a distant second with only 5 votes. And the real girly-men turned out to be Cody Templin and Samuel Donahue, sorry guys.

Didn't vote in the last poll? Make sure your voice is heard by voting in the new poll in the righthand column.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Ok, let me just preface this post by saying that nowhere in the body of this text is there a picture of a cat, or any of any of it' read the post below!)  

Anyways, for those of you in high school, make sure you get there early this week.  Starting at around 10:40, there will be free breakfast for ALL high-schoolers. pancakes...what more could you ask for?  But breakfast is not the only thing we'll be "frying up" this sunday...

Don't miss out on week 2 of "FEARFACTOR...GO TO CAMP OR GO HOME."  Lets just say, if you dont like fried, or not so fried fish, this may be your last week!  It may look something like this:

Anyways, don't miss it.  We'll be continuing our series called baggage...see you there!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You can't do this when you're in charge (Jared)

Let me give you one more good reason to be a youth pastor. I know you are all on the edge of your seat here...

Robbie, Harrison, and I were getting ready for the "all staff" meeting this afternoon in the lobby of the new auditorium where we meet when we realized that Rob had previously set up a big pad of paper on an easel for Todd to use during the staff meeting. Now, at this point, no one else was in the room but the three of us. And I won't tell you whose idea it was, who did it, or who named it, but I will tell you that someone flipped past the first blank page and drew a mildly obscene picture on the second page. This way, the meeting would start out all serious, but the minute Todd flipped to the second page the entire staff would see the picture and laugh. What did we draw, you ask?

Here it is, couresty of MSPaint. Enjoy:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Baggage Video

Hey guys!
Here is the video we used this past week....


This past week was pretty amazing in student ministry at NLC. The middle school service started a new series about connecting disconnected people, and the high school service started a new series called "Baggage." I'd like to take just a second and focus on the latter.

The big idea was this:
"Until we learn to let God carry our burdens, instead of carrying them ourselves, our relationship with God, and our relationships with other will continue to deteriorate."

So for those of you who missed it, let me give you the brief summary of how to do just that. The key to giving your burdens to God is FORGIVENESS. Without forgiveness, we carry around things like bitterness, anger, resentment, jealousy, worry, and hurt. While in reality, if we would forgive the people or the situations that caused these feelings, we would be trusting God to handle them for us. When you do that, 3 results ultimately take place:

-Your Relationship with God gets closer, because you are learning to trust in his works, and not your own.

-Your realtionships with others gets a lot less complicated. Why? Because you are no longer carrying around these negative feelings towards people that have negative effects on your relationships.

-You begin to live in freedom. Not just pithy "I can do what I want" freedom. But the kind of freedom that Jesus talked about, when he said, "If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed!"

When Jesus died on the cross, he bought our healing. He died so that we could be from worry, free from guilt, free from resentment, etc.

Now, does that mean these feelings wont come up? NO! But we can learn how to quickly give our baggage over to the greatest baggage-handler of all...Jesus Christ! And that's what we are going to be focusing on this don't miss it!

Plus, FEARFACTOR is on again. We've got 7 people left. What are we going to do next...join us to find out! And don't forget...FREE BREAKFAST for all High Schoolers this come early. See you Sunday!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Some Good Pics

Check it out, these were taken by Heather this past Sunday.

And this one,
Pretty sweet, huh?

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Core of Our Teaching (Jared)

Hi Parents and Students! I was thinking about what to teach this weekend for our middle school students, because after Easter and a month and a half in the book of Mark the door is wide open for topics. So it got me reflecting on some the the most basic values and core beliefs about what we teach in student ministry. Here is an informal/incomplete list just in case you couldn't sleep...

1.) Learning to spend time with God (by reading the Bible, fasting, and praying)
2.) Learning to share our faith (in a way that is compelling)
3.) Learning to live in authentic community (this includes how to make good friendship and dating choices)
4.) Learning to live selflessly (especially by giving away our money, time, and love)

If all of this sounds vaguely familiar that's because it is based off of our three core values and SOAP. But at the same time, it's not just there so that we "fulfill the core values." Instead, it's that we authentically believe that the way to grow as a believer is to do these things and learn to be these people.

ps - why can't I vote in the "posing in the mirror" poll?

Mickey D's Anyone???

Just a quick FYI...for those of you who couldn't make it to our HSM (High School Ministry) "Grand Re-Opening" last did you miss one beautiful worship leader! But besides the glorious beauty of one Cody Dermid, you missed out on an IMPORTANT announcement...MCDONALDS THIS SUNDAY!!! That's right, directly following our 11am service, ALL of the High Schoolers are piling up in vehicles, and hittin up some Mickey D's! No reason really, other than the fact that I LOVE MICKEY D'S!!! And i would love to have lunch with all you guys to get to know everybody a little better.

So, for those of you who are thinking...

-"It's too unhealthy..."

-"I dont have the money..."

-"I dont really like you Robbie..."

So no excuses, have lunch with us, this Sunday. We'll be back @ 2:15ish. See you guys on Sunday!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Coupon Book Update (Jared)

I just got done working on the coupon book for 6 hours straight. I'm not gonna lie, it's freaking exhausting. But I did get some good responses.
I got a strong yes from:
- Cafe Carolina
- The Golf Center
- Blooming Nails
- The Coffee Garden
- Robek's
- Boneheads
I've got possibilities with:
- The Divide (and their six other affiliated courses)
- Hot Tanz
- Shelley Keefe Photography
- Bellacino's
I also got some really strong no's, but what the point of going into that! And all this was in addition to some really good deals previously. Anyway hopefully all of this hard work will benefit our Middle School and High School students big time! Pray for me as I wear the "sales hat" this week.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Great Easter Sunday (Jared)

Wow, what a fanstastic Easter Sunday!
People came to faith in Christ for the first time. And the creator of heaven and earth condescended to us and was present with us as we worshipped Him.

We had a blast in Middle School, but I think everybody knows the real story of the day was the first Sunday morning high school service. By all accounts it was off-the-charts great! Thanks Robbie and all of the volunteers and parents that contributed time, sweat, and money to make this worship experience for high school students possible.

And to the students who came and participated, let me say that I'm really proud of the way you guys and girls step up, every time. Passionate pursuit of God never changes, even if the way we go about it sometimes does.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I am soooo pumped to announce an all-new SUNDAY MORNING HSM (High School Ministry) SERVICE! It's been quite a while since we have had anything for the high-schoolers of Next Level on Sunday mornings, but come this Sunday...all that will change! Here’s three quick reasons why I’m excited about this:

-First, it’s consistent! Unlike with SNL, with us meeting on Sunday Mornings, we can carry this service on indefinitely, with no big breaks throughout the year!

-Second, it’s visible. Now the entire church will see, hear, and possibly even smell a ministry to High Schooler’s each and every Sunday. This will make it easy for our kids to remember to come, and even easier for them to invite their disconnected friends!

-Third, it’s GOING to be different!!! Without giving away too many details, all I can say is, nobody else would even dare to try and pull off some of the stuff we are going to be doing in HSM. Plus, it will be during only one of the service hours, meaning all the students who don’t want to miss service, won’t have to!

So, details in a nutshell are…

What: High School Ministry
Where: Matthews Campus Student Center
When: Sundays @ 11am, Starting APRIL 12, Easter Sunday

So, here’s what we need from you. If you are a high school student, it's simple, SHOW UP!!! If you are a parent, challenge your students to give this service a shot. If it means rearranging your Sunday Schedule, please do so your kids have the opportunity to be at this service. Our ultimate goal is to have our High School students coming to HSM one hour and either attending service or serving in other ministry areas during the other hour. This should work well with your schedules too, as we would love our adults to attend church one hour and serve the other hour. So, I look forward to all your help in this area! But even more more than that, I'm looking forward to Sunday, when HSM finally breaks loose! Maybe I'll see you there!