Monday, August 31, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Middle School Paintball Day

I hope you're ready to shoot someone in the face! Because it's that time of year again. That's right, it's time for Middle School Paintball Day. Here is everything you and your parents need to know:

The event is Saturday, September 5th and all ms students are invited to play, girls and boys.

COST - the cost is $32 and covers gun, mask, paintballs, air, lunch, and transportation. (everything you need)

WHEN & WHERE - We'll met at the church by 7:40am and we'll be back by 2:15pm. (The paintball place is in Concord)

ALSO - a signed waiver is required before we leave. If you have your own gear, it might be cheaper you'll have to call Matt and ask him how much it will be. Parents who want to play should call Matt LaBell and see if he needs any chaperones! Everyone please RSVP to Matt at 704-241-7560.

It should be safe and a LOT of fun. I hope to see you there, I know I'll be there.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Blog Post

Just for fun, count how many times I say "pipe" or "pipeline" it's like a billion or something.

Video Blog 8-17-09 from Jared Kirk on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Best Sex Ever...Week 3 Recap!

Ok, so if you missed out on B.S.E. part 3, here is a quick recap!

"Ive already messed up sexually...what now?"

-Basically, here is the damaging reality of sex outside of can NEVER get back what you once had...ever! That's the sad part...once your virginity is's gone! It's like when you take a ceramic plate or bowl, and smash it, it will NEVER be back to what it once was! That's why sex, and taking it seriously is a HUGE deal! But even though we cant put the broken pieces back exactly like they were before, it doesn't mean we have to stay broken. We have 2 options...We can say "well, im broken, I guess i'll just stay like this and continue doing what i'm doing," or we can say "I want God to begin to put these pieces back together!" And because of what Jesus did on the cross, that's exactly what can happen! He can begin to put your broken pieces back together, and even though you will no longer be new, and you will still have the cracks, God can begin putting your shattered pieces back together. So that, on your wedding night, although you wont have what God originally intended, you will have something better to offer than you do right now! How do you put the pieces back's how:

1. Ask God for forgiveness, and confess to him your mistake. He will wrap His loving arms around you and begin to show you how much you are loved.

2. If the person you messed up with is still in your life, confess to them that what you guys did was wrong, and apologize to them as well, and let them know that you acknowledge it was wrong, whether they acknowledge it or not.

3. Finally, change directions! Don't keep shattering the pieces. Rather stop doing what broke you in the first place. Start today, and commit to a life of purity until your wedding night, so that when you get there you can a have way better experience than the one you're heading towards!

So, if you've messed up...let God begin to put the pieces of your messed up sex life back together! He can...and HE WILL!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Best Sex Ever (WEEK 2: CHERRY PIE!!!)

Untitled from Robbie McLaughlin on Vimeo.

So, if you missed the second installment of the Best Sex Ever in the High School Service, here is your morning recap:

In week 2, we talked about the big idea of "Cherry Pie." I know, I know, and NO, it's not what you're thinking! (you dirty minded people...) I shared with everyone how my wife made me this AWESOME cherry pie one time, and left it on the counter for me...but during the day, several people had come by and picked at it! By the time I got home, I didn't have the beautiful cherry pie my wife had made me! Instead, all that was left was a jumbled up mess!

In the same way, when we show up on planet earth, God gives us this AMAZING gift called sex...and it's a gift that is meant to blow our mind when we enjoy it with our spouse on our wedding night! The problem is, along the way, we let other people besides our spouse mess with that gift...and some completely take it! When our wedding night comes, we no longer have the gift or the "cherry pie" that God intended for us to have! That's why it is so important for us to protect and not let other people "mess around" with our sexuality! When you keep your gift intact, it allows sex to be what it was intended to be...IN...CRED...I...BLE!!!

Make sure you are around for week 3...God's ready to do so some serious work in our there!!!