For some reason, people think of sex as this scary thing to talk about! Think about it, anytime somebody brings up sex, or talks about their sex life, people get all wigged out over the awkwardness...here is the preteaching video from this past Sunday to demonstrate what I mean...
Untitled from Robbie McLaughlin on Vimeo.
But the reality is, talking about sex is not this weird, taboo, scary topic that we've made it out to be! As a matter of fact, SEX IS AWESOME! I mean, c'mon, of course it is, God invented it, and he invented it for our pleasure!!! He wants us to be able to have and experience THE BEST SEX EVER. But that can only happen if we have sex the way he meant for us to have it...inside of marriage!
Ever wonder why God set it up that way? Why can't we just have sex with whoever we want? See, God knew that he wanted sex to be incredible for us. So, he not only attached physical feelings and connections to it, but emotional ones as well. This way, when we experienced it, it would blow our flippin mind! The problem is, when you make those kinds of emotional connections to a person, that you haven't yet committed your life to in marriage, the connections can be severed, and broken, and can end up being very damaging and destructive in our lives. And what was eant to be explosively awesome, can be explosively destructive. That's why God set it up the way he did...because he knew the only way for us to experience the VERY BEST when it comes to sex, is to have it only inside of marriage! It's when we walk outside of those instructions that sex gets scary...
It would be like taking a mitsubishi eclipse 4-wheeling through the mud. How stupid would that be!?!?! An eclipse was never meant for fourwheeling. In the same way...sex was never meant for anyone but people committed in marriage...outside of that, only damage and consequences can come next.
So, big idea of week 1: God wants you to have the best sex ever! It's a gift, from Him, to you! That can ony happen when its reserved for those committed through marriage! Now you're caught up! Make sure to join us for week 2!